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<h4>Benefits</h4> |
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<li>Global Coverage</li> |
<li>Highest Payouts</li> |
<li>Widest Integration Products</li> |
<li>Direct Ad Inventory</li> |
<li>Big Brand Advertisers<strong><br /></strong></li> |
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<h2>Industry-Leading Monetization Solution</h2> |
<h3>Work with the international leader for virtual currency monetization in social games, social networks, virtual worlds and MMOs.</h3> |
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<h3 style="text-align: center;">Offer-Based Payments</h3> |
<a class="faceboxlink" href="publishers/overview/#pres1"><img src="assets/media/products/offerbanner210x140.jpg" alt="" width="210" height="140" /></a> |
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="200">Learn more</a></strong></p> |
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<h3 style="text-align: center;">BrandEngage</h3> |
<a class="faceboxlink" href="publishers/overview/#pres2"><img src="assets/media/products/BEinteraction210x140.jpg" alt="" width="210" height="140" /></a> |
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong><a href="425">Learn more</a></strong></p> |
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<h3>Offer-Based Payments</h3> |
<p>Choose our best-in-class offer wall and deep integration products to boost your revenues.<br /><br /><strong><a href="200">Learn more</a></strong></p> |
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<h3>BrandEngage</h3> |
<p>Engage top-of-the-funnel users and increase conversions with frictionless soft offers.<br /><br /><strong><a href="425">Learn more</a></strong></p> |
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